Monday, December 20, 2010

I don't want my 2 front teeth...

Luke lost his second front tooth while at the airport waiting to go to Houston. Good timing!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Parent/Teacher Conference

We had a teacher conference with Luke's teacher, Ms. N on Thursday night. She is a wonderful fit for him. She told us that he has finally started to participate in the group after a few months of adjustment. He has been doing his work and the extension exercises that she hands out but, as many of you know he is a shy kid, he doesn't always speak up. She said that she let him just ease his way in and if he wanted to sit off to the side she let him. This was great because I don't think he felt the pressure like he did last year. He likes her and he likes his school and he has good days. He is at the higher end of his 1st grade class which is comforting. He has some good friends at school and it is a positive experience for him.
Jeff took this picture while we were at the conference.