Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More from the Hockey Hitmen game

Here are just some family shots and our view from our seats. We are hockey fans now. The kids really enjoyed the game, or most of it because the novelty wore off after 2 periods and we decided to cut our losses and get going before they had enough. I was hoping that Luke

wouldn't like the fights....Luke liked the fights. When the players started fighting Luke started yelling, 'fight, fight, fight.' Yes, I am so proud. Anyway the game was really exciting and we will definitely have to go to more games.

Lego competition

Every year our community hosts a lego competition. This past weekend we went to the community center to take a look at the participants. There were all sorts of designs and it was crowded and lots of fun. The top picture is only part of a huge structure called Empire Mall. It was about 5 feet long and 2 feet wide and just awesome. We saw a lot of characters from a bunch of different sets: Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Star Wars. The last one was a Legosaurus which Lauren liked. Next year I think that Luke and possibly Jeff can even enter the chess set that he made.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Day

Luke was looking up the chimney to see if Santa was on his way down. Santa did come but accidentally brought Luke a duplicate wii game so Santa said that he owed Luke and that he could be naughty this year. Thanks so much Santa. Luke was a wonderful sport though. He said that if one game got damaged then he would have another one. I was so proud of him. We did take it back though and give him a different game.

Luke loves Legos

Luke got a lot of Lego sets for Christmas and he loves them all. He got a Soldier's Fort, City Police Station and a Bank with some robbers and a safe. Very cool. He really enjoys playing with them.

Christmas Eve 2010

We had Christmas Eve at Jeff's mom's house before going over to his aunt and uncle's. Lauren told us that she really 'likes Christmas Eve.' This is the first year that she really gets the whole present thing so that was really cute to see. She got a Rapunzel doll and said that now she just needed the tower. Yeah for Santa because that is what she got the next morning. She really liked brushing Rapunzel's hair. She also ended up with 3 new dress-up outfits: Tiana, Rapunzel and Belle.

It pays to keep things

I have kept a lot of the toys and such that I had when I was little. This alphabet chart was made by my dad's mother when I was little. I got it out a last year and found that there were a few pieces missing. I mentioned this to my aunt and my grandmother found the original instructions and made those missing pieces. Lauren found this a few months ago and really liked playing with it.

Lauren as Harry Potter

We woke up one morning and Lauren had a mark on her forhead. I asked Luke, who must have been the culprit, what the deal was. He said that he wanted her to look like Harry Potter so he drew the lightning scar for her. What a wonderful brother and artist we have.