Sunday, October 24, 2010

Luke's Fort/Lab

Luke's Lab
Lauren's Lab

This weekend Luke wanted to build a fort. So he took ALL the cushions off the couches started work. He was also using this as his 'Lab' so he also started hoarding random toys to create things with. We made many signs for the fort but basically they all started with, 'Smart People Only in my Lab.' Then he wanted to make one for Lauren too but her lab was moved outside the room and didn't have much in the way of guardians, hot lava, trap doors or bridges.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lauren Chic

Lauren likes to dress herself which is totally fine with me. Dresses with tennis shoes, shirts that don't exactly match the pants. And the best one? She is bringing back the 80's with headbands that go around the forehead.

1 Front Tooth Down...

This week Luke lost one of his front teeth. I asked him what type of money he would get from the tooth fairy, American or Canadian. His answer, 'Egyptian.' Where that came from, I don't know. He ended up with Canadian, surprise, surprise. Since it was a front tooth, the tooth fairy gave him $5. Luckily this came after school pictures and his pictures turned out really well.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Snow in October: weird only for those from the South

We woke up this morning and there were little snow flurries. The temperature was 38 degrees according to my car. The snow wasn't sticking to the ground but now, a few hours later, it is definitely snowing. Lauren looked out the window and said, 'It's snowing!' and then immediately went to put on her snowsuit and boots. I looked out the front window and saw a rabbit so that was pretty neat. Lauren was out for a grand total of 4 minutes and then decided she was done. I really hope the novelty hasn't worn off that fast.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Other outings

The kids love to go to the park and luckily we have had some beautiful weather the past few weeks. I hear it has been a bit abnormal. They said that their summer was not that great but we found it pretty nice.

Luke and Lauren eating donuts at Tim Horton's. If I drank coffee this is where I would go. You can get coffee flavored coffee here for $1.62 instead of at Starbucks where you pay an arm and a leg. Jeff loves this place. Before we moved here he would bring home a huge can of coffee from Tim's.
This is at Luke's school. They just like to roll down the hill. That's it!

Calgary Corn Maze

Last weekend we went to the Calgary Corn Maze. You can, you guessed it, go through a corn maze but there are lots of other things to do besides that. Which actually ended up being a good thing since neither of the kids really cared for the corn maze. Luke really liked the jumpy pillows (no pic for this of him) and the huge tricycles. Lauren liked the pumpkin patch and the pig races. They both enjoyed the playground.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where do the rocks go?

Lauren found a use for all of the rocks that Luke brought back from school. She wanted to paint them. I don't know what it is with my kids and rocks. Some of you know that when Luke was around 2 he wanted rocks from Christmas. So Santa brought him rocks for Christmas. Lauren it seems is going on the same path but this year Santa may not have to haul rocks this year because Luke has more than enough for the both of them.

Scouts Induction

This past Monday Luke was formally inducted into Scouts. There was a ceremony at Bowness Park which is absolutely beautiful and the kids got to play before Luke got his badges.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Costumes

The kids had decided on their Halloween costumes. They were pretty set in their opinions. Luke wanted to be Harry Potter. Trust me I was not prodding him at all on this one but I am pretty excited that this is who he wanted to be. He was able to talk me into getting him a new wand that is motion activated and lights up-he really didn't have to do much convincing, it is pretty cool. We also got the HP glasses which complete the outfit. Lauren wanted to be a witch. She had very specific ideas on the matter. She remember her witch costume from last year and wanted essentially the same thing. We have been all over town to find a plain black witch costume. Not as easy a task as you might think. They had adorable witch costumes with all sorts of colors and ribbons and things but she would have none of it. Whe wanted plain black and was very stubborn about it. Luckily today we went to 2 places (after having been to about 6 over the past week) and found a plain witch costume. Now I can stop stressing! I was thinking of how to resolve the issue 1) plead and persuade until she changed her mind-that wasn't going to happen or 2) sew one myself. The issue here being, I can't figure out what is wrong with my sewing machine and therefore option 2 would have been difficult. So yeah retail store for having just what we needed in stock. The kids are happy as can be and like wearing their costumes around the house.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Can you believe this?

I had to share this picture. Take a guess as to where we saw this? Oh, did you think it was a painting? Up in a remote area out of the way? Nope. It is at the Calgary Zoo. We were just walking past the moose and this is what we saw. Enjoy. We did.