Monday, April 11, 2011

2nd attempt, not so cute

So my 2nd decorated cake didn't turn out like I wanted it to. We learned a few new techniques, like the fluffy looking legs so I decided to practice that on my cake in class. I really don't like it. I think that I will stick to stars for filling in objects and use the fluffiness for clouds. In case some of you don't know what this guy is, he is a Lego minifigure. Jeff drew him for me and his drawing looked way better than the outcome:) Luke thought it was cool though so that is what counts, or maybe he was just excited about the icing. Some of you may not know that Luke LOVES icing. For our last class next week, we are supposed to design a cake and decorate it in class. I have an idea in mind so I just need to draw it out and you will see the results next week.

On a side note, we had to fill cupcakes with filling this week. I practiced some over the weekend and have a fantastic recipe (I think) for Bavarian cream that was really easy. I made a yellow cake with the cream in the middle with chocolate ganache ontop. It was yummy. Anyway, some people in my class really liked my easy recipe and wanted a copy. Yay Internet and your recipes.

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