Thursday, September 2, 2010

Luke's First Day of 1st Grade

Today was Luke's first day of first grade in a new city and a new school. Since most of you know Luke you understand that he was not exactly thrilled to be going to school. He goes to St. Sylvester School which is a K-6 school. They have a French immersion program (which Luke is not in, didn't want to totally freak him out) and a regular school program. His class is a 1st/2nd grade combo. He was pretty nervous about being there and wanted to hide in the box that we brought his school supplies in. Luckily my mother in law was here to help, which basically meant watching after Lauren and being a support for me as Luke looked very apprehensive about being there.

So off we went and left him in the classroom and the rest of the day was spent hoping that he was okay. Fast forward to 3:15: Luke comes out and he looks happy. He said that there were some things he liked and some that he didn't. He liked storytime and going outside to play. As I read in the school planner that he brought home: Students are required to play outside during recess and after lunch unless they are sick. What a concept?!? Kids required to play. Love it. But I am guessing that they have that policy because they will be freezing in a few short months and they won't want to go outside to play. I forsee big warm clothing bills in our future...and that is just from me walking him to school. Overall I think that he had a positive experience. He met a friend but doesn't know his name:) I am not sure how many he has in his class but it sounds like less than 18. Yay small class size.

Lauren of course keeps asking when she is going to school but she doesn't start until next week. That one I am not going to worry about.

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