Saturday, June 11, 2011

Going down to the border

A mama bear with her 4 babies.

Bighorn sheep on the side of the road just outside the townsite.

A rock bed at the beginning of our hike.

Red Rock Canyon waterfall

We went to the town of Waterton Lakes the first weekend in June. The reason for this impromptu trip was because our visa expired on June 6th. Jeff just received some paperwork the week before so we decided that the most expeditious way to take care of the visas was to go to the border. Luckily Waterton is 30 minutes from an immigration crossing so we made a weekend of it. The town was beautiful. A very quaint town untouched by commericalism. The only corporate restaurant was a Subway. We stayed in the Bear Mountain Motel which was built in the 60's and not really updated since then and it was great! We went to immigration the morning after we got in and renewed our visas (without too much issue) and then went on a hike to Red Rock Canyon in the afternoon. The hike wasn't bad at all. The only problem we encountered was muddy patches due to melting snow. The kids liked the falls once we got there. The kids had the most fun throwing rocks into the river at the end of our hike. We saw a lot of different kinds of animals, most notably bears! We also saw bighorn sheep, mountain goats (near a playground in the townsite) and some deer.

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